Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Hairy Fig

Purveyors of fine fodder on Fossgate. I wonder if they stock famous Farmer Freddy Frinton's fat, feathery pheasants. Slideshow here - you will enjoy it.


  1. Don't let me loose in there! I'm cooking "tartiflette" tomorrow evening for some friends, I'll have a kilo of those Yorkshire tatties @ a quid fifty please!

  2. Loved the look of the place. But definitely, those potatoes really look yummy.

  3. I could have spent time and money there.
    And look at those nice colors and details!:-)

    (I suddenly got a strong wish to have a really nice pub-lunch....
    .... or Yorkshire pudding...... or go to Tesco.... It is time for LUNCH here.:-)

  4. You are all so kind. Vous avez bien appris l'anglais, Quimper Sky. I don't know any colloquial French words for pommes de terre. You will all be pleased to know that the Hairy Fig has just opened a café, so l look forward to seeing you in York some day. I passed the new sign this morning.
